An Awareness Programme on Women Empowerment organized by Seva Bharati, Purbanchal (SBP) sponsored by Assam State Social Welfare Board on 4th November, 2019 at Assam Sahitya Sabha Sanhati Bhawan, Dibrugarh, Assam. In the programme, women empowerment topics were enlighten with its importance and benefits. The topics were Nutrition for Women, Women Health, Women Empowerment Schemes and Yoga for Women etc. The resource persons present there Ms. Gitashree Phukan (Nutrient Consultant, UNICEF), Dr. Udyan Kr Borah (Jt. Director of Health, Dibrugarh), Mrs. Jyotirekha Borgohain, (District Social Welfare Officer, Dibrugarh), Dr Doniung Reang (Chief Medical Officer of Yog and Naturopathy institute, Guwahati), Sri Bikas Sarma (Advocate, Guwahati High Court) and Mrs. Priyanka Neog (Member, Assam State Social Welfare Board). A total of 215 women have participated in the programme.

- 02 Dec
- 2019