Seva Bharati Institute of Fire, Safety & Disaster Management

The Seva Bharati Institute of Fire, Safety & Disaster Management (SBIFSDM) has been established by Seva Bharati Purbanchal, a leading social service organisation with operations across the North-eastern states of India.

The institute started functioning from Yognilayam, a premises of Seva Bharati Purbanchal located at Abhaypur opposite North Guwahati Police Station, Guwahati-781031. Seva Bharati Institute of Fire, Safety & Disaster Management is the premier technical institute in the North Eastern Region of India. SBIFSDM brings to Assam its first “recognised” and quality learning programme in safety and allied areas. The Advanced Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment has been granted affiliation by the Assam Science and Technology University. The course syllabus is designed to qualify students for employment as Safety Officers / Safety Supervisors in industry / infrastructure / service sectors as required vide Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 and other applicable statutes.

Our Organization Seva Bharati is aware that a large number of projects are being executed in several industries (both Public and Private) and infrastructure/ construction sectors in Assam and the rest of Northeast India. Therefore, the employment of safety officers or safety supervisors has become a statutory requirement. As there is a dearth of such personnel in the region, they are often compelled to appoint people from outside the state/region or those with unrecognized ‘certificates’.

All of the students (100%) of the First and Second batch were placed in various industrial organizations including IOCL. The current batch of 2024-25 are doing their internships (2nd Semester) at NRL (Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.) and at other Indstusties.

Faculty for the course includes very experienced industry professionals with work experience at very senior levels (IOCL-AOD- Digboi, Paradeep Refinery- Odisha, Guwahati Refinery-Noonmati, Oil India Limited- Duliajan/Delhi, NRL (Numaligarh Refinery Limited), Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited (BRPL)-Bongaigaon and other private sectors. Experts in Fire, Safety and Disaster Management from Government of Assam and India have been regularly invited to speak on specific topics.

From the Desk of Chairman:

Akhil Kumar Das

BTech(ChE), MS(FPE), DM, FIE(I), FIFireE (UK), Emeritus Member(AIChE)

Concern for Safety and Health at the workplace has come a long way from the time I started working in industry nearly five decades ago. Safety then stayed confined to compliance with statutes. Period. Down the road, there has been a quantum change in the importance accorded to occupational safety and health be that in government, industry managements, standards developed, workforce et al. Statutes like the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code 2020, OHS Management Systems, Standards for product, process and procedures have all made their impact. Simultaneously, there has also been a tectonic shift in the nature of industry, technological advancement, types of products and services etc. bringing in new hazards that need to be addressed by appropriately skilled and competent people. A collateral outcome of these myriad developments has been the learning and career paths for specialist OHSE professionals.

We at the Seva Bharati Institute of Fire, Safety and Disaster Management (SBIFSDM) are proud to have started Assam’s first University-affiliated learning programme culminating with the 1-year Advanced Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment. This required sustained efforts over almost a decade and today we are happy to announce that our first cohort of students are about to complete the university (Assam Science and Technology University, ASTU) requirements and commence their professional journey in industry. We are hopeful that these students will apply their learning at their places of work and be the brand ambassadors of SBIFSDM.

This is also an opportune moment for us to announce admission for our next Academic Session 2025-2026 starting in July 2025. Our prospectus and other details are available on this website.



R. L. Kalita
BE(Hons)-MechE, ADIS
37 Yrs in IOCL

A. P. Chakravortty
BE (Elec), DBM, MIE(I)
37 Yrs in BRPL, NRL

Ramesh Ch. Das
35 Yrs in OIL

Monika Das
33 Yrs in IOCL

Amarlal Das
BE (Elect)
37 Yrs in IOCL

P. N. Deka
BE (Elec), MIE(I)
37 Yrs in IOCL

Sasanka Pratim Deka
BE (Mech), PGDBA
38 Yrs in IOCL

Dr D. Bhattarcharyya
34 Yrs in OIL

Maitreyee Das
15 Yrs in Edu Sector

Ramen Sarma
BE (Mech), MIE (I)
Mentor & Adjunct Faculty


Yognilayam,Opp. North Guwahati Police Station,
Abhaypur, North Guwahati-781031, Assam

Ph: 86381 61266/84865 46464
Email: [email protected]